So your kid needs to see the dentist…

In the span of 3 days I took all 3 of my kids to the dentist for their semi-annual cleaning and check-up. We have the BEST pediatric dentist office in the land! St. Johns Pediatric Dentistry. There are so many great things I love about this office. Of course, the first and most important is the actual dentists and dental assistants. They are all incredibly friendly and knowledgeable and caring. Whenever my kids need extra dental work (fillings, crown, root canal) the dentist herself will call to check in on them in the evening. Not an assistant, but the actual dentist. I can tell the calls are coming from their home, and not the office, and it means so very much to hear that concern and have the opportunity to ask a quick question to a real, live person. But even when I don’t have the need for a follow-up call, our experience for the routine visit is phenomenal. It starts with the waiting room, which is massive and has lots of options for kids of all ages. There is a structure for climbing, a large fish tank, a huge TV always showing a very appropriate and fun movie, several desk and sitting areas (with outlets!). There is a coffee station for parents, and water bottles too. Diplomas of the dentists surround the check-in desk, so you know the pedigree of the dentists that are working with your children. Parents are never asked to wait in a room other than with their children, and are always welcomed and included. The kids get headphones and can choose a movie to watch on a huge TV screen that is hung flat on the ceiling so they can view it while laying flat in the dental chair. They provide sunglasses for the kids to avoid the bright light . They use a sticker to hold on the dribble napkin and they keep the sticker at the end. They always provide cup, toothbrush, floss, toothpaste and a coin for the prize machines. The prize machines are several different token machines the kids can choose from, which makes it super fun for them. In that part of the “finishing room”, there are several ipads on the wall for the kids to play games as they wait for siblings to finish or parents to check out. There is a “no cavities” wall of honor and when you put your name on it, there is a drawing once a month for a really great prize. At checkout, the assistants have the school notes ready to go, so I don’t even have to remember to ask for it. I truly cannot think of any way this dental experience can get any better for my kids or myself. So until next check-up, we’ll be brushing twice a day and flossing. The best part is that I know the next appointment will be filled with the same anticipation, enthusiasm and excitement as always. Thanks to the Doctors that went to school FOREVER and created this very special environment that helps my kids want to be cavity FREE!