Say hello to the ocean!

When I was growing up, I never had enough time or maybe lacked the right motivation or mindset to sit oceanside and just enjoy the view. Now that I’m older with my own children, I feel this intense pull to the ocean. Not sure if it’s the simplicity of the crashing waves, the lure of exotic seashells, catching smiles from my fellow locals or even the tourists, or the sand itself, but I cannot pass near the beach anymore without parking my car. I just have to cross the bridge to Anastasia Island and see Saint Augustine Beach for myself, feel the salt air on my face, even if I’m in non-beach-worthy attire. How lucky am I that I can do this while returning library books or during my weekly Target run? Turns out everyone loves getting a treat from Rita’s. And I cannot pass up my opportunity to say hello to the ocean. This is the reason I choose to drive south on US 1 for my errands, rather than north on I-95. I love the reminder of the beauty and peace that the ocean brings to my life. It is, after all, one of the major reasons my husband and I decided to move to Saint Augustine with our three children. We wanted the simple life, the one where summers were spent in flip-flops and swimsuits. Where your body is covered in sunscreen, aloe and tan lines. The summers are spent planning out fishing piers, beach days, and cannonballs. Imagine you wake up and the only thing you have to figure out is which swim suit you want to wear. And it’s not only awesome in the summer. The months where the weather is not warm enough to swim are superb as well. They offer a different perspective. One where you just walk along the waters edge, shoes in hand, jeans rolled up to your knees but a sweatshirt to keep you warm. Even 10 minutes of walking with your toes in the cold sand in January will remind you of the reason you live, here, in this amazingly beautiful historical city of paradise. Go on, I dare you to be anything but grateful for this gift. And always stop to say Hello to the Ocean!