Strong Like Steve is a non-profit organization driven by the need to support adults with special needs and their caregivers.
The mission of the Strong Like Steve foundation is to provide awareness, community outreach, education, advocacy and funding for those organizations and individuals caring for adults with intellectual and developmental differences.
Steve was my big brother. He taught me everything I know about patience and acceptance. His passing broke my heart and while I’m still healing, this is one small way I can ensure his legacy continues. Having him as my big brother made me who I am, and now that he rests in eternal peace, I feel the calling to help others in any way that I possibly can to make their journey as light and joyful as possible. What I learned through a lifetime of love and support was how challenging it is to be and to care for someone with special needs. There are resources available, but you have to know how to find them and how to qualify for them. Each situation is so unique that it is nearly impossible to set forth a guideline for a caregiver to follow to enlist the support to help their loved one thrive. Just when you think you have it all figured out, your loved one with special needs will have different needs that you get to start the process all over again.
To walk the path of the mission of Strong Like Steve, the foundation will host fundraisers to raise money for organizations and individuals and their families that need financial and community support to provide a more fulfilled life for their loved one. These fundraisers will support the mission by providing a conversation about the foundation, advocating and building awareness of adults with special needs in our community, and awarding funds to organizations and individuals that qualify, thereby both educating the community and providing financial and emotional support to those that need it most.
Funds that are raised will be awarded to organizations and individuals through an application process. The selection process for awarding funds will be an application, reviewed by the board of directors and voted on by the board of directors of the Strong Like Steve foundation.
President: Stephanie Sanalila
Vice-President: Mel Rogulski
Secretary: Alfred Sanalila
Strong Like Steve wishes to build a foundation based on community involvement, education and outreach. We will enlist business partners and community members to spread the good word of adult individuals with intellectual differences. Abilities not disabilities is the message. We will work together to share the value that individuals with special needs bring to each person they interact with, and how this enriches the lives of those around them.
Fundraising efforts will come in many forms. The first annual fundraiser will be to sell Krispy Kreme doughnuts to community members. Anyone that wishes to assist in this effort is welcome!
email: Stephanie@StrongLikeSteveFoundation.org
Call/text: 904-712-0081